What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is an ancient method of healing used to achieve and maintain balance - equilibrium - within our bodies. Where there is illness or pain, there is usually an imbalance or stagnation in the body that can be traced to the flow of blood & qi (energy / vitality). Acupuncture works by correcting this imbalance and readjusting the flow of blood and qi, so where there is vacuity it adjusts the flow to enhance vitality and where there is an excess, it tempers it. When most people think of acupuncture, they think of acupuncture with needles. However, acupuncturists should also have other tools at disposal to bring sustainable balance to their patients quality of life. |
Is Acupuncture safe? Acupuncture is safe and generally painless. All needless are sterilised and only used once. In most cases, where needles are used, they are gently inserted into key points called “meridians”. You may feel a slight sensation at the point where a needle is inserted but generally, the sensations you feel overall as the flow of blood & qi in your body shifts will be quite welcome and relaxing. If you are concerned about pain or have a fear of needles, it is important that we discuss this in our introductory session. Personally, I prefer the Japanese techniques for acupuncture which rely on gentle and shallow insertion methods and an emphasis on treatment using moxa. |
The treatment works best if you are calm and relaxed and the beauty of acupuncture is that we as practitioners can apply a variety of techniques, some of which do not require use of an 'insertive' needle at all, like Toyohari Meridian Therapy (which works on the surface of the skin).
How does acupuncture work? Acupuncture works by adjusting the flow of “meridians”. Meridians are often compared to a system of roads and motorways that connect a country, or like the internet, that connect all computers and servers. The 12 meridians in our body connect the internal organs with each other and it is through these channels that the flow of blood and qi can be adjusted. The acupuncturist can identify problems with the flow of blood and qi and monitor the adjustment by checking the pulse of the radial artery and improvement of lustre/vitality through abdominal palpation. |
When will I be healed / cured?
The body has a natural ability to heal itself unless it is diminished by the environment: lifestyle, stress, physical accidents and even environmental pollution. During the acupuncture treatment, my intention is to provide a treatment that will address your constitutional imbalance which is also called root treatment. This itself is often known to dissolve the symptomatic presentation. To understand this better, we can use the example of what happens when an emergency occurs on a plane – the mother (root) is the one to first take an oxygen mask as only then will she be able to support the child (symptom) better! After the root treatment – we will help relieve the remaining symptoms. Acupuncture nourishes the body gradually. Just as it takes more than one attempt to learn to swim, similarly it takes several sessions for the body to harmonise and reach its balancing potential. That is why generally after 3-4 sessions we can re-assess and modify the treatment plan. Be aware that true healing occurs not when the symptoms disappear – but when the body has enough energetic reserves (vitality, qi, immune system) and is able to ward off anything standing in the way of mental / emotional and physical health. This is an important component of recovery and a journey where you are coached towards taking back control of your own health and wellbeing. |
Acupuncture Watford, Radlett, St Albans, Hemel Hempstead, Borehamwood, Rickmansworth, London