Acupuncture Watford has helped many people, who were diagnosed as infertile, to conceive naturally. Chinese medicine treatments can increase energy levels; stimulate the adrenal glands; increase blood flow into the uterus & ovaries, and regulate hormonal levels. With Acupuncture and Moxa, I help my clients to prepare their bodies for a natural and healthy pregnancy.
One of the most important aspects of conceiving is ‘pre-conception care’, which ideally begins 3-6 months before the determined date of conception. This is the most crutial time to prepare the body for a healthy pregnancy.
According to Chinese medicine, there are meridians or energy networks across the body. I begin treatments with using acupuncture to stimulate and revitalise the relevant meridians to support women to conceive naturally.
According to Chinese medicine, there are meridians or energy networks across the body. I begin treatments with using acupuncture to stimulate and revitalise the relevant meridians to support women to conceive naturally.
Whether you suffer from irregular periods, period pains, polycystic ovary syndrome, endometriosis or another common issue, according to Chinese medicine, the underlying problem is usually stagnation or the accumulation of fluids. To address this issue I use Acupuncture and Moxibustion which will improve the flow of chi through the local area.
Through Chinese pulse and tongue diagnosis, I identify how to rebalance a patients’ body, mind and spirit to create an ideal environment to nurture their baby. I provide nutritional advice based on Chinese foods energetics, which further facilitates a healthy pregnancy.
I also provide counselling and Cognitive Behavioural therapy to provide psychological support through your journey. This can ensure that you overcome your inner challenges and become centred so that your pregnancy is a joyful experience.
As it takes two to tango, I also offer treatments for gentlemen who plan to become fathers. I offer lifestyle advice and acupuncture which can improve common irregularities in sperm health, impotency and libido.
Through Chinese pulse and tongue diagnosis, I identify how to rebalance a patients’ body, mind and spirit to create an ideal environment to nurture their baby. I provide nutritional advice based on Chinese foods energetics, which further facilitates a healthy pregnancy.
I also provide counselling and Cognitive Behavioural therapy to provide psychological support through your journey. This can ensure that you overcome your inner challenges and become centred so that your pregnancy is a joyful experience.
As it takes two to tango, I also offer treatments for gentlemen who plan to become fathers. I offer lifestyle advice and acupuncture which can improve common irregularities in sperm health, impotency and libido.
In vitro fertilization (IVF)
Since its introduction just over 40 years ago, the number of women turning to IVF in order to have a baby has increased. There are many reasons for the increase - women are deciding to start families much later in age, and the environment, and changing lifestyles and diets are also known to contribute.
Although IVF is more common, the success rates are not high. Between 2014 and 2016 the percentage of IVF treatments that resulted in a live birth is still low – only an average of 26% for women under 37 and an average of 10% for women 38 and over. As more couples turn to IVF and make changes necessary to support pregnancy, it is becoming clear that chemical imbalances, the environment and lifestyle isn’t enough to ensure a successful pregnancy. |
10 Reasons why Acupuncture is excellent for the IVF.
1. Preconception care is vital. 3-6 months prior to planned pregnancy / IVF is the most important time to prepare and nourish the body in order to have the good results we all hope for (it takes 3 months for an egg to fully form and mature). This pre-IVF cycle is one of the most important parts of preparation. This period allows time to create the best possible internal environment within your body so it is ready for conception.
Acupuncture prepares the body in the best way and can strengthen adrenals, balance periods, improve uterine lining, and release stagnation. We try to heal any imbalance or symptoms and get them out of the way for overall health and a balanced pregnancy. We all know that when you undergo IVF you need every little small help that there is available.
Acupuncture prepares the body in the best way and can strengthen adrenals, balance periods, improve uterine lining, and release stagnation. We try to heal any imbalance or symptoms and get them out of the way for overall health and a balanced pregnancy. We all know that when you undergo IVF you need every little small help that there is available.
2. Acupuncture goes to the root of the problem and treats underlying pathology of a disease. It doesn’t only deal with symptoms but also with the root cause of the issue. Acupuncture is widely used for stress reduction, relaxation, pain management, period regulation, energy enhancer, breech baby correction, reverse of acid reflux, indigestion, back pain, tension and almost anything related to pregnancy side-effects. And yet, all these are symptoms and not the root of the issue. Suppose you strengthen the walls of the house and its insulation – you don’t have to expend so much energy for heating. So the root of the problem solved – the body has more reserves and is more balanced – then it can dissolve most of the symptoms.
3. Acupuncture has no negative side effects and is totally safe even during pregnancy! Acupuncture is a safe and effective adjunct therapy in IVF, prior and even during pregnancy. It is almost unheard of that acupuncture causes any side effects as compared to so many given by prescribed or over-the-counter drugs or artificial hormonal treatments. Acupuncture supports the body’s ability to conceive naturally – many of my clients are able to conceive easier even without IVF – and it’s often unexpected! This means that when body is more balanced, it does what is programmed to do much easier!
4. Acupuncture without penetration of needles! Many people are scared of needles, but I practice Japanese Toyohari Meridian therapy which 95% of the time does not penetrate the skin. This unique style is so useful during IVF or during pregnancy as it doesn’t activate stress from needle insertion. I also offer clients to take home ear stimulatory seeds which are seeds stuck to a plaster and pressed into key areas in the ear. These points when pressed activate reproductive and other internal organs and help as yet another tool to support conception and pregnancy even while relaxing at home.
5. Acupuncture increases the odds of having a natural birth and decreases the risk of a caesarean. Chinese medicine works on the principle of balancing energy in the body.
During labour, it is crucial that a mother creates energetic reserves of both Yin and Yang during her preconception care and pregnancy. If she doesn’t, and she exhausts her energy reserves by ‘spending’ them on dealing with the symptoms or not understanding how Yin and Yang works, the body might not have enough energy and so struggles to deliver the baby naturally. This is where acupuncture is crucial – addressing both the underlying issues and symptoms and thus keeping enough balance in the body to allow for natural delivery.
During labour, it is crucial that a mother creates energetic reserves of both Yin and Yang during her preconception care and pregnancy. If she doesn’t, and she exhausts her energy reserves by ‘spending’ them on dealing with the symptoms or not understanding how Yin and Yang works, the body might not have enough energy and so struggles to deliver the baby naturally. This is where acupuncture is crucial – addressing both the underlying issues and symptoms and thus keeping enough balance in the body to allow for natural delivery.
6. Acupuncture increases energy flow to the uterus, stimulates blood production and increases uterine lining! Liver, spleen, kidneys. We are all familiar with these organs, if we are lucky, we may even point out to where they are located in our body. Yet Chinese acupuncture has a unique understanding of the role these organs play in pregnancy and IVF. Spleen produces blood and holds gravity (organ prolapse). Kidneys helps produce blood and are responsible for storing and activating the original vitality of reproductive organs and passing the vitality to the off-spring. Liver stores the blood and its meridian travels through the reproductive organs. All these organs have energetic pathways which in acupuncture are called meridians. Improving the flow and re-energizing meridians will help produce more energy flow around the uterus and ovaries and creates better blood flow and warmth in the uterus – which in turn creates an energetic cushion to better hold the space for the baby. If any of the functions of these organs is reduced, the acupuncturist knows where to go and what to tweak to re-create balance.
7. Moxa, herb – Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) is used to warm the meridians and acupuncture points. Moxa is a treatment that works alongside acupuncture and is known to increase the blood flow to the area and vitality of a particular organ or meridian. Moxa has been used for thousands of years and recently science contributed with more information – that it improves the immune system by stimulating the anti-inflammatory cytokines and increases white blood cells. We all know that white blood cells are corner stones of the immune system. Moxa has more than 60 known medicinal properties and is also a strong antioxidant, antiviral and antifungal remedy.
8. Conception channel and 8 extra ordinary channels and their influence on yin, blood and flesh.
Chinese system of meridians which we already mentioned has a standard channels and those that are called extra ordinary vessels. Generally these acts as reservoirs for common channels and during times like infertility or major illness, these extraordinary channels gets more involved. Acupuncture here can tap into resources of these special channels. For IVF one of the most important things is that embryo is accepted after the transfer and this has lot do to with a channel called Bao Mai – which connects heart with uterus. If there is good connection and clear pathway, chances of successful pregnancy is higher. In another words, these extraordinary channels has to do with strengthening of Yin, Blood and fluids – which in turn creates follicles, eggs and eventually supports the Embryo better.
Anxiety, stress and trauma could have adverse psychological reactions and create potential constriction of reproductive organs, chest and torso. This can disrupt the channel system and prevent the normal flow of energy in the Bao Mai.
These channels are naturally balanced when one isn’t in a state of Fight/Flight and practices Yoga, Mind-fullness or just has enough emotional stability, joy and every day laugh. If one doesn’t – the acupuncturist can address these channels and make your body filled with just right emotions and joy for pregnancy.
Chinese system of meridians which we already mentioned has a standard channels and those that are called extra ordinary vessels. Generally these acts as reservoirs for common channels and during times like infertility or major illness, these extraordinary channels gets more involved. Acupuncture here can tap into resources of these special channels. For IVF one of the most important things is that embryo is accepted after the transfer and this has lot do to with a channel called Bao Mai – which connects heart with uterus. If there is good connection and clear pathway, chances of successful pregnancy is higher. In another words, these extraordinary channels has to do with strengthening of Yin, Blood and fluids – which in turn creates follicles, eggs and eventually supports the Embryo better.
Anxiety, stress and trauma could have adverse psychological reactions and create potential constriction of reproductive organs, chest and torso. This can disrupt the channel system and prevent the normal flow of energy in the Bao Mai.
These channels are naturally balanced when one isn’t in a state of Fight/Flight and practices Yoga, Mind-fullness or just has enough emotional stability, joy and every day laugh. If one doesn’t – the acupuncturist can address these channels and make your body filled with just right emotions and joy for pregnancy.
9. Personalised care. When you undergo acupuncture, you are treated as individual. It’s important to make sure you are treated according to your own individual circumstances. On your first treatment, we will take into consideration your medical history and lifestyle, as well as making observational diagnoses. All these will create a specific and tailored treatment protocol that is unique and which we adapt every time it is necessary to do so.
10. Acupuncture is even more effective if used as a conjunction with the right holistic approach of nutrition and counselling. As acupuncture and moxa helps us treat the root cause of symptoms and re-balance and nourish your body, counselling and CBT helps with the mental and emotional challenges that women (and their partners) often experience during IVF. I have trained in CBT and with the Samaritans and I am able to offer my clients the tools they need to support them as they deal with the mental and emotional challenges that arise with conceiving, IVF and pregnancy. I can also advise on Chinese food energetics and provide nutritional advice that is much needed to either avoids or include certain foods in these most important times.
Advice and notes: If you are going to use acupuncture for IVF it is advisable to have it before and during the stimulation phase of the IVF cycle. Also particularly important is to have acupuncture on the day of embryo transfer and day after as this helps to cope with tremendous stress levels that the process brings.
The most effective number of acupuncture treatments depends on the individual. In my experience, regular treatment every 7-10 days during pregnancy is advisable. For the pre-conception period, I recommend treatment every 2-3weeks.
The most effective number of acupuncture treatments depends on the individual. In my experience, regular treatment every 7-10 days during pregnancy is advisable. For the pre-conception period, I recommend treatment every 2-3weeks.
Watford Acupuncture
Watford, Radlett, St Albans, Hemel Hempstead, Borehamwood, Rickmansworth, London
Watford, Radlett, St Albans, Hemel Hempstead, Borehamwood, Rickmansworth, London